
Just another site

Well Gosh…

I had almost completely forgotten about this dark corner of both the internet and my psyche. Truth be told I am not always terribly fond of having to relay the way my life is going to the public (nonexistent as it may be.)

And so the simple answer for all the tardiness and absence is a small sense of shame, and a lack of hours in the day, even for someone with days as empty as mine.

This blog has always been of more of a personal nature and may in fact contain things that the people in my daily life might be a touch dismayed to hear, as such I only ever write here at night. Thus…


Not that these are excusable excuses, I merely thought SOME should be given.

I lost a part in a play to my brother, whether it was age, acting talent or slight pudginess I don’t know, but it shames me deeply to have passed an opportunity to do SOMETHING by. Or lost it is more apropos.

Still his show is tomorrow and is immediately followed by spring break, at which point friends will come back into town and rejoicing will occur.

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